Paying Tribute to the 50K Trail Runners

Event Date

May 11, 2023

YHC overwhelmed and honored to have such a star-studded group of PAX join in to slay the dragon this morning at Huntersville Athletic Park off of Verhoeff Road.   With 1/3 of the PAX in attendance, Enron, Cherry Bomb, and Slingshot, coming off their recent April 29th 50k Canyons Endurance Run in California,  there wasn’t much to provide in terms of an encore other pay respect to their amazing accomplishment of endurance.  

After a slow mosey around the perimeter of the soccer field, PAX would assemble in the middle of the field for a brief warm-a-rama which included SSH x 50 IC, Toy Soldiers, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks and a few brief mobility moments.

Mosey over to the outdoor gym where PAX would count off in 2’s.  1’s would perform Air Squats X 10 while 2’s would perform Pull Ups x 10.   1’s and 2’s would then alternate, repeating this for 3 rounds.  

PAX would mosey again around the perimeter of the soccer field and assemble at one end of the field at the bleachers.  1’s would perform dips IC while 2’s would perform incline merkins IC.   This was repeated at the other end of the field as well, and finally another time at the original starting point for a final round of 3 sets of dips and 3 sets of incline merkins.

PAX would again mosey around the perimeter of the soccer field, ending again at the outdoor gym where PAX would repeat the routing of alternating air squats and pull-ups.

One final mosey around the perimeter of the soccer field and stopping at the dip bar where each PAX would perform 10 dips IC while the other PAX would perform air squats until everyone was able to get a round of dips in before assembling back to the starting point in the parking lot.

A brief session of MARY was performed with LBC’s and Pretzel Crunches closing out the workout.

Recover, Recover.

  • Cherry Bomb throws down a Strava verified 2.67 mile standard – freakin’ savage!  And “Savage” is exactly what he is as it was announced that CB won 1st in his age group at “Savage Charleston” and 6th Overall –  BEAST!
  • Please sound off if anyone else ran a standard?? Not sure?
  • 3rd F Opportunity this Monday 5/15 and Tuesday 5/16 to help build a wheelchair ramp for a veteran in Statesville – please reach out to Goat for details.
  • YHC didn’t have the “dip bar” rotation dialed in as expected. Cherry Bomb mentioned “in cadence” didn’t quite work – please add comments for an improved dip bar routine. 🙂
  • Dragon Slayer’s new location is definitely off the beaten path, but seriously one of the most versatile A0’s around Lake Norman for strength and conditioning.
  • Continue to keep Ultraman in your prayers as his mom’s condition is approaching the need to have her in a memory care facility.  Love you brother and lifting you up brother.  It’s such a difficult time in life when you’re caring for aging parents.
  • Thank you Canuck for the closing prayer this morning.

Always a privilege to be with my F3 brothers and this morning I’m especially grateful for each of you.

Humbly in Christ,
