Titan according to Chat GPT

Event Date

May 15, 2023


Didn’t feel like writing a backblast so put Chat GPT to work. It did not disappoint…


“Write me a short story about three friends who went for a run in the early morning hours. Their names were, Vandelay, Popcorn and Tantrum. They went for a run down to the waterfront boat launch. Along the way they were attacked by a vicious dog but managed to run away and escape.”

Chat GPT:

Vandelay, Popcorn, and Tantrum were the best of friends. They shared a love for adventure and a passion for staying fit. One beautiful morning, they decided to embark on a refreshing run along the waterfront. The cool breeze and the sound of crashing waves provided the perfect backdrop for their outdoor excursion.

As the sun began to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city, the trio laced up their running shoes and set off. Vandelay, the natural leader of the group, led the way with his long, confident strides. Popcorn, the energetic one, bounced along beside him, his eyes twinkling with excitement. Tantrum, the quiet and contemplative friend, trailed slightly behind, lost in his own thoughts.

Their route took them through peaceful neighborhoods, where early birds chirped their melodic tunes, and sleepy houses nestled under cozy blankets of quietness. The friends chatted and laughed, their spirits lifted by the tranquility of the morning.

Soon, they reached the path leading to the waterfront boat launch. The scent of the sea filled the air, invigorating their senses. The three friends quickened their pace, eager to reach their destination. But as they neared the boat launch, their joyous run took an unexpected turn.

From behind a weathered fence, a vicious dog lunged at them, barking fiercely and snarling with wild determination. The friends froze in terror, their hearts racing in their chests. Fear consumed them, but they knew they had to act quickly if they wanted to escape unharmed.

Vandelay, thinking on his feet, shouted, “Run!” His voice cracked with urgency, and the others snapped out of their shock, following his command. They sprinted away from the menacing dog, their legs pounding the pavement in perfect harmony.

The dog gave chase, its relentless pursuit pushing the friends to their limits. Adrenaline surged through their veins as they raced against time and fear. They maneuvered through narrow alleys, leaped over fences, and zigzagged through streets, determined to outrun their fearsome foe.

Breathless and on the brink of exhaustion, the trio finally found sanctuary in a nearby park. They huddled together, gasping for air, their hearts still pounding with the residual adrenaline. They were shaken but safe.

Popcorn, the eternal optimist, broke the silence with a nervous laugh. “Well, that was one way to start our morning run!” he exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood.

Vandelay, his voice tinged with relief, replied, “Indeed, but at least we’re all okay. We made it.”

Tantrum, usually reserved, nodded in agreement. He finally spoke up, his voice steady. “We faced a challenge, and together we overcame it. This will be a story to remember.”

As they caught their breath and began the slow walk back home, their hearts were filled with a newfound appreciation for their friendship. They realized that even in the face of danger, they could rely on each other for support and courage.

From that day on, Vandelay, Popcorn, and Tantrum’s bond grew even stronger. They continued to explore the world around them, cherishing every moment of their adventures and embracing the lessons they learned along the way. And whenever they looked back on that early morning run, they would smile, knowing that together, they had outrun both fear and danger.