Random Number Generator at Viking

Event Date

May 16, 2023


This is going to be a pretty quick backblast — since I don’t really remember what we did. 🙂

YHC came in with a plan — we were going to partner up, do some DORA, maybe some other partner-type things with rocks, but we had an odd number.  So I abandoned the plan, and after a mosey around the parking lot and some warm-o-rama (IST, TS, LS, etc.) we ventured off into the darkness to see what we could find.  Key word is darkness. On our way to our first stop at the picnic area, Chilly Willy, who was wearing a headlamp but had it switched off, took a tumble on the uneven sidewalk and took only a moment to recover.  Minor scrapes, but he journeyed on.  We did some sticky step-ups, incline Mericans, and dips on the picnic tables and then made our way past the baseball fields to the tennis court area.  

I remember doing some tippy birds, maybe some Freddie Mercuries, possibly something else.  There was good conversation today, so what kind of Q would I be to interrupt it with exercising?  Anyway, we grabbed some rocks at the rock pile and took them back down to the parking lot by the tennis courts. Skull crushers, sumo squats,  chest press, American Hammers, dead lifts, bent rows, low/high/reg curls, rock LBC, reverse lunges, reach-ups, calf raises all happened at varying counts. We jogged a few little laps. I honestly can’t remember — but I know we never did the same exercise twice, and we covered all the major muscle groups.

We journeyed back to launch where Canuck led us in a vigorous rendition of BLMFers.  The count was 12.  We did a quick mosey to work that out, counted off, and Canuck prayed us out.

A fun time was had by all.  Well, except for the Chilly Willy fall. But he was OK, and nobody gets sued, so it all worked out.  Really glad Canuck brought Moonlight out.  Coffee next time.  Jersey, CW and I went to coffee where we were joined by Bel-Air, over from gladiator, where Chilly Willy tipped over his iced coffee and somehow miraculously was provided another one within seconds!

Thanks all – see you soon.

Waffle House