Marky Mark comes to F3 (again)

Event Date

May 20, 2023

Marky Mark’s Form Focus Fitness, Feel the vibrations

Almost 32 years ago Marky Mark’s “Good Vibrations” hit the billboard #1.  Many people may not know this but Marky Mark also released a fitness video in 1993 titled Form, Focus, Fitness…interesting…3 F’s, hmmmm.  I borrowed and modified some of that since we don’t have enough dumbbells. Notice of Marks 3 F’s, none of which are Faith in his workout video. However, Wahlberg has been a Christian for quite a while and nowadays is not afraid of telling people about his faith despite or maybe rather in spite of it not being popular in Hollywood.

Here’s how it went and I highly recommend watching through some of this video, it is entertaining! … full of “POW!”, oversized Adidas swag, plenty of what Mark calls his “Fly Honeys” and way too much of Marky Mark going shirtless. Sometimes I run shirtless myself, but I don’t spray down with baby oil first.

 with the Tunes of Marky Mark, Good Vibrations

20 IC Mt. Climbers
15 IC Tony Hawks

The Thang
Mosey down to the blocks.  Grab a block and meet at the top of the hill. 

10 IC Wide ‘Mericans
10 IC Military/narrow ‘Mericans
10 IC Dips
10 IC Goblet Squats
10 IC Lunges w/block
10 IC Dead Lift

10 OYO each foot single leg calf raises with block
10 OYO both feet calf raises with block

“Triple threat Super Set” 10 IC of each
Shoulder Press
Bent row
Deltoid raise

Curls (Squeeze at the top) 10 IC of each and tri’s
Squatting curls
Standing Curls
Skull crushers
Lay me down Triceps extension, now known as face crushers

At this point Q calls another REPEATO, except this time we go back to the beginning starting with Wide ‘Mericans and do 1 more round of everything (Minus calf raises). As I call this I can see the soul of Bertha leaving his body.

We return the blocks and mosey to the pull-up bars.

PAX completes pull-up rotation.  Everyone rotate through max pull-ups plus 2 bonus ones with a little help from your PAX. Repeato

Run over to the big tires…all 10 IC
Incline ‘Merican

Low Flutters


Deuteronomy 15 7-8

If there is among you a poor man, one of your kinsmen in any of the towns of your land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not harden your hearts or close your hands to your poor brother; But you shall open your hands wide to him and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.

Another couple of similar topics reads Job 31 16-22, Psalms 112 5-9


  • When YHC mentions we have some music to start today from Marky Mark. One PAX, C#??,  asked if it was NKOTB. To which I replied, no that’s his older brother Donnie. And why do I know this?
  • FNG-1 above is Backdraft who had to leave early and seemed to LOVE the arms beatdown today.
  • Cornholio comes back after he and his M welcomed a new baby boy a couple of months ago
  • Sonar is finally recovered from his Hawaii vacation and is back in action
  • Diesel’s M must wear the pants in their relationship because he mentioned he had to leave early because his M needed keys to the truck
  • Bertha is in a pickleball tournament today. Denver Town Talk on Facebook sure does love pickles.
  • C# pounds through some pull-ups while treating his elbow with some TLC. Knowing when to say “enough” before it’s too late is a good thing to know. Also made great strides on a recent weight loss kicks and can afford to indulge on the weekends.
  • Interesting observation, we are getting more PAX to Murphs on every Monday of the month of May (0530) that we do on a Saturday morning at 0700.