Ups and Downs

11 dedicated men fought off the fartsack & showed for some ups and downs.


10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Long Snappers IC

The thang:

Head down to the Rubbermaid parking lot

4 Corner Escalator
Start with one exercise, run to next corner. At each corner add an excrcise. 10 Mericans, 20 Jump Squats, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 LBC’s.

Since Newton says what goes up, must come down… down we went dropping 1 exercise at each corner

Head to theater wall for People’s chair and air presses

Joggy jog to HW original launch point. Formerly a fountain, now a planter. 

20 Dips IC
10 Step ups each leg

Mosey over to greenspace in front of pavilion

Merican timebomb 5 > 1

Mobility Minute featuring our very own Gnarley Goat

Head back to launch point

Line up in front of Chipotle

Round 1: Lunge walk to each parking line, adding 1 squat at each up to 10
Round 2: Substitute Bear Crawls and CDD’s
Round 3: Substitute Crab walk and LBC’s

Mary, all IC

Low Dolly – Deep Dish
Dying Cockroach – Holiday
Very slow scissor kick – Primo

We had an unusually cool morning in May, which was great for the workout.

I’m sure Deep Dish was taking notes during the Q today to critique later on… hopefully he learned something.

Shout out to Airstream for earning Respect Respect.

Prayers up for Hippie’s Uncle, Omega’s Aunt, and Soprano’s continued recovery. Oh yea, and for Goat’s first pension… 🙂

It was an honor and a privilege to Q this morning. Thanks to Soprano for the opportunity.

Little Professor