Back at the helm of Fission

Chilly Willy and I kicked the morning off with a 3.2 mile standard. Way to set a PR for your 5k Chilly Willy.

We got back with enough time for me to guzzle some water and take a glance at who had shown up for this full body beatdown. 12 men including myself were there to get after it and make ourselves better. We picked up a late arrival as Fast pitch thought Dragon Slayer was still at GCC.

Quick introduction and disclaimer and then we were off.

Mosey to firehouse stopping to say the pledge on the way.

Circle up for warm-o-Rama

SSH 20x IC

IST 12x IC

Long snappers 12x IC

Slow Windmill 12x IC

The Thang

Diamond Merkins 4x 0YO

Merkins 22x Ic

Wide Grip Merkins 5x OYO

Burpees 3x OYO

Mosey to Cashion’s

Split Squat R 12x IC ( foot on rail)

Split Squat L 12x IC (foot on rail)

Dips 12x IC

Side plank Thread the Needle R 12x IC

Side plank Thread the Needle L 12x IC

Mosey to Walgreens

People’s chair w/ air press 20x IC

Maintain people’s chair w/ seal claps 20x IC


Australian mountain climbers 12x IC

Mosey to Cain Arts Center

Step ups 15x per Leg

Dips 12x IC

Incline merkins 12x IC

Decline merkins 12x IC

Squats (asses to the deck) 12x IC

BMLFRs (led by Canuck) 12x/dir/leg

Step ups 10x per Leg

Dips 12x IC

Incline merkins 12x IC

Decline merkins 10x IC

Mosey back to launch – Mary by committee

LBCs 15x IC (CE)

Low flutter 22x IC (Hollywood)

Pretzel Crunch 12x IC (Hat trick)

Peter Parker’s 12x IC (Moses)

J Lo 12x IC (Possum)

The W  12x IC ( Waffle House)

Metronome 12x IC (Jersey Boy)

Rosalita 15x IC (Greyhound)

Glute Bridges 15x IC – double, R leg only, L leg only (Canuck)

Jane Fonda’s 12x IC (Chilly Willy)

WW II sit ups 15x (Bagboy)

Freddie Mercury’s 12x IC (Macbeth)

Long Snappers 20x IC (Fast pitch)

Recover Recover



COT – Thanks to Canuck for taking us out.

Strong work by all. Mumblechatter started off on high but slowly dissipated as the pain was brought.

Always a pleasure to lead and thanks for the opportunity Jersey Boy,

Cousin Eddie