Rolling the Dice

Event Date

May 27, 2023

Five brave souls weathered the mid 50s temps and the breeze for an unusually chilly Memorial Day Weekend beatdown. FNG-1 is Backdraft

A few cray cray dudes started even earlier running through every possible square inch of Trilogy.




20 IC Side straddle hops

20 IC Mountain Climbers

20 IC Imperial Storm Troopers



Head to the hill by the baseball field. Sonar reveals two large yellow dice – one with a number of reps or time on it (30, 60, or 90 seconds, 10, 20, or 30 reps) and the other with types of exercises (“push-ups”, squats, “jumping jacks”, “crunches”, walking lunges, and a wild card – of course we chose burpees).

So we mosey down to the bottom of the hill and do one of three things coming back up:  

  • Quadraphelia
  • Bear crawl
  • Mosey up

once back at the top

  • Roll the dice and do what you’re told

Got 6 rounds of this in before we…

Head back through the launchpad for a circuit (silly rabbit, you thought there wouldn’t be a circuit?)

  • Roll the dice and perform the exercise for the designated time/reps
  • Quadraphelia up the chute
  • Karaoke right/left to the second chute
  • Down to the sidewalk for 10 LBCs
  • To the down-under bars for 10 down-unders or 5 inverted merkins
  • To the pull-up bars for max pull-ups
  • Through the agility ladder rope thingy
  • To the benches (temporarily relocated) for 10 step ups each leg
  • Back to the launch pad and repeat
  • Three circuits completed

Then head to the bottom of the parking lot for five minutes of hill repeats. Run hard up – walk back



  • 20 IC LBCs
  • 20 IC Low flutters
  • 5 Dr Ws



Romans 12:2



  • Awesome efforts by everyone. The hill was crowd favorite…until the third or fourth trip up…
  • Missed those that couldn’t or wouldn’t make it this morning.
  • Don’t forget the Murph at Rescue Squad Park at 7:00am on Monday!!  Come and do something!
  • As always, it is an honor to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.