I got 800 problems and a yasso ain’t one

Event Date

May 31, 2023

Last month we did Yasso’s and the pax called for more.  So today…. IT. WAS. ON.

0530 and 5 pax makes a quorum


  • 1 mile warmup
  • ssh x 10 ic
  • ist x 10 ic
  • windmill x 10 ic

The Thang

  • Yasso 800 at tempo pace.  400 at recovery pace.
  • Repeato x 5

COP happened

800 meters of moleskin:

  • Overall 4.25 miles of goodness
  • Overheard today on the track:  “Drebin is fast.”  Yep.  And I still contend he has yet to show the top end of his speed
  • Was it just me or did the sun rise at like 0547 this morning?
  • Hat Tip to my shield locking brother, Jedi, for getting an extra 0.75 miles with me because the overall day plan called for 5.
  • Prayers to Chilly Willy and family as they approach the 3 year anniversary of his brother’s passing.  I can’t write the right words for it, so I’ll just say please pray for his parents, him, and the family as they search for continued strength and peace from a situation that can’t be fathomed.
  • What I learned today:  Gambini, a Luda regular, had skipped a few weeks and was finally back out.  Turns out he had some knee soreness.  He came back.  Pushed it to the level he could.  And backed off when he needed to.  Really refreshing to see.  We’ve all been there, nursing an injury.  And we’ve all likely done it wrong.  Either we completely shut’er down and then lose out on all the non-aerobic benefits of F3 (spoiler alert….”fitness” is only one of the “f”s), or we try to ignore it and man-pride pushes us to a grander injury.  Gambini pushed, he stopped, he pushed, he stopped.  He listened to his soul which said get out there with the pax.  He listened to his body which said okay go, whoah back it down a bit, go easy, a little more, hold up, ok good.  So be like Gambini.  Know what you can, do what you can, do it controlled, do it well, do it with intention.  You’ll be better  off.
    • PS:  he knew he could always come out to Ludicrous Speed.  The AO designed to be open to all.  Where you are never more than half a lap away.