Poker chips at Cauldon

Sixteen pax showed up to the Cauldron with KB’s in hand. 

The pax split into two teams with fifteen different color poker chips for the two teams. 

Attempted to play game type workout today where each individual would do  

5-KB swings


5- KB Cleans 

Before sprinting to the opposing teams side to collect a Poker chip. 

After 4 minutes each side would count the number of poker chips each side had and the losing side would pick a punishment workout to do from the selection below: 

25 push-ups 

20 Flutter kicks

15 squats 

10 sit-ups. 

Performed 4 rounds of this workout and found out nobody plays fair. Everyone hides chips and takes more than one chip. Ended up having to ask both teams for hidden chips and had to scratch one round.