Combo X 2

Event Date

Jun 05, 2023

Only 2 PAX showed for the kettlebells this AM.

YHC had a workout plan with combining a few KB movements together to cut down on time, but get more reps in. It went something like this:

Warm O Roma: Hat Trick and I basically just stretched individual, stretched out calves on the curb and twisted around (nothing official).

Mosey around parking lot.

The Thang:

Starting at a parking space line, do the combination exercise, more to next parking space line, do next combination exercise, etc. across 5 parking spaces lines, then Mosey halfway around parking lot,; repeat for 5 rounds.

1st line: low KB squat, followed by upright Row, IC X 10

2nd line: goblin squat, followed by shoulder press, IC X 10

3rd line: right arm ONLY lawnmower X 10, followed by standing right arm Curl X 5, both by count

4th line: left arm ONLY lawnmower X 10, followed by standing left arm Curl X 5, both by count

5th line: curls, followed by skull crusher, IC X 10


On your 6: mason Twists, IC X 10, windshield wipers, IC X 10.

Recover, Recover

A lot of GREAT mumble chatter between PAX. Was great getting the individual opportunity to spend time with Hat Trick 👍.