Hillwork at variable speeds

Hells yeah I remembered all 19 pax without the use of a smartphone.  

0530 let the farts and the leks begin…..

Run via roundabout to corner of Hillmoor and Hugh McCauley.  (0.5 mile)

The thang was to run the Hugh McCauley/Harrington loop which is a downhill/uphill 0.75 mile loop.  Tempo the lower half of the loop, and standard pace the top half.  Repeato as many times as you can.

Then run back to the AO

4 loops got you 4.0 miles

5 loops got you 4.75

6 loops (anyone?) got you 5.5 miles

COP happened


  • Good pax turnout today.  Glad it was a fartlek WIB so the pax could control their own destiny.  All put in good work!
  • Tclaps to those who put in extra running to get to the launch (Little Finger, Enron, Jorel, Toxic, et al) or rucked to get there (Soprano)
  • Mulligan rolling up on an DUI-cycle was pretty cool
  • Connect with Beave as he is leading an effort for 2nd F opportunity doing trim work and looking for more #HIMs to join in.  Either Habitat or Hope House, pardon me for not recalling correctly.
  • Today’s COP challenge:  practice generosity out of the first fruits of your day.  It will set the tone for your day, ensuring others benefit and both of y’all are blessed.  Don’t wait for the end of the day, as it will pass you by.
  • What I learned today:  if you had an inkling in the far recesses of your imagination that you could take advantage of Soprano being injured and become more of a beast than him; well I’m sorry my friend but the time has passed.  We all know he showed up to workout even with his arm in a cast/brace.  Well it is off and he is rucking to workouts, and then back to leading out front during the work out.  So be a Soprano.  In the face of an injury don’t stop, don’t regress.  Find that inner beast that makes you doubledown on you and come out of it even stronger. Be determined, be disciplined, be an example for others.