Getting the Band Together

11 Pax joined in harmony for some band work along with body weight exercises at Hollywood.

2 for a 2.2 mile standard (Chilly Willy, YHC)

Quick re-cap:

Full, full, full disclaimer.



Slow Squat

Mountain Climbers

Fredddy Mercs

Airstream went into his office and brought out his biggest rubber bands- you know, those ones you need if your car muffler is falling off and you don’t have the money to fix it?  The ones you use  when you want to keep that Bradford Pear tree in your front yard from splitting in a wind storm.  (Why did you plant that damned thing in the first place?) The rubber bands you use when you bring your 4 year old to Disney World and you don’t want to lose him, but you know a steel chain isn’t gonna be well received by the public. Those bands.  That’s what he brought- but bigger.

The Pax gave him a look of skepticism at first, but they got in the groove and all went well.

We used the band for squats, diagonal pulls, bent-over rows, ‘mericans, tricep extensions, some overhead shoulder crap which was designed to EXCLUDE the M Q (insert eye-roll here) and a bunch of other PT-type exercises combined with some running, qudraphilia at the greenway hill (quietly), step-ups, incline ‘mericans and a mix of others.

It was a good group and many stayed for coffee, hoping to be led in a much-needed Toby Talks session by JB, but we were all to be disappointed to find he did not show.  

Thanks for posting, gents.  

Thanks especially to Airstream for your continued efforts, good nature and for putting up with this group of goofballs who do dumb things.