Water Wings Backblast a few days late

Event Date

Jun 08, 2023

6 Pax for Water Wings on Thursday.  Yes, that is correct, Dallas showed.  Finally a little lest talk and a lot more action. 

The Thang

  Get is far as you can through the workout by 6:25am  
  Option 1 (1:45 base)   Option 2 (2:10 base)
Warm 300 Choice     200 Choice  
Up 4×75 Choice :10 rest   4×50 Choice :10 rest
Main 600 Pull on 11 min   400 Pull on 8:40 min
Set 1 10×50 Choice Drill on :50   6×50 Choice Drill on 1:05 min
  400 Choice on 7 min   300 Choice on 6:30 min
  12×25 Choice Drill on :30   12×25 Choice Drill on :40
  200 Choice on 3:30 min   200 Choice on 4:20 min
  4×25 Choice Drill on :30   4×25 Choice Drill on :40
Cool 300 Choice     200 Choice  
  3000 yds     2200 yds