Traveling Bag of Tricks

10 men were present at Gladiator this morning.  
FNG 1 is “Little Smokey” – a Kotter (not in the system) who is finding his way back to F3. We hope to see you again!!! 
Disclaimer 0530 sharp! The key message to modify as necessary was delivered!
-Obligatory SSH
The thang: 
There were 4 corners identified in the parking lot – The Church (1), the Pax assembly area (2), the entrance closest to the 77 bridge (3), and the block area (4). 
As we left the assembly area after the disclaimer our first stop was corner 4. Gather blocks, then pull out a “slip” out of the bag. The slip consisted of the specific exercise to be done, the amount to be completed, the next corner to get to, & how to get there. Some of the exercises were seen twice, some were never pulled from the bags…
How we got from corner to corner varied. The slips stated one of these:
Bear crawl 
Lunge walk
High knees
Walk to next stop, doing arm circles 
At corner 4 with the blocks, the exercises consisted of: 
Skull crusher
Chest press
Bent over row
Overhead press
Sumo-squat w block
Leg raises over block
Squat – butt to block
Corners 1, 2, & 3 exercises consisted of: 
Standard merkins
Diamond merkins
Wide merkins
WW2 sit-ups 
Rocky balboa
Christian mccalf-raises
Suzanne summers, each leg
Dying cockroach
Side lunges
Reverse lunge
Low flutter
Mountain climbers
1 min elbow plank
Glute bridge w/ brief hold at the top
pretzel crunch (both sides)
Since Mary was mixed in, we ran this program straight into the Recover, Recover. 
I can’t tell you how many exercises were completed, but we covered a little over 1.5 miles between stations… at a bootcamp. 
Pax were mad when they were told to mosey, so they were told to sprint. They were mad when they were told to sprint, so they were told to bear crawl. They were mad when they were told to bear crawl so we walked & did arm circles (aka, flapped our wings).  They were mad when we walked to we lunged. 
….They were mad, I call that a success. 