1 man. 3 miles. 1,000 reps. 1/2 watermelon. . .

Event Date

Jun 17, 2023



Yes, I forgot to preblast. I signed up a while ago and didn’t get an email reminder the day before like in days of yore. So I guess I don’t blame my brothers for not showing up. But yet I can’t escape the fact that they are completely to blame for not showing up. It’s an enigmatic dichotomy, a Gordian knot of conundra awaiting my Alexandrian sword of logic to untangle. But I forgot to sharpen it, so. . .

If you want to know what happened at this workout (but let’s face it: why would you?), see the title. That’s as much detail I’m willing to provide to someone who couldn’t even be bothered to show up to a workout just because the Q didn’t put out a preblast (or whatever other excuse you invent so you can live with your shame another day). Lucky for you, Dear Reader, I deigned to craft this backblast for posterity and giggles (as the old saying goes). 

When the lonesome deed was done, one man took solace in the sweet crispness of an entire half watermelon consumed in the shady recesses of the dawn’s early light (which, oh, say, I could see by), thus rendering ineffectual the morning’s copious calorie burn. 

I was proud to lead this noble contingent of fine man this morning and I go forth with the gratification of having started my day surrounded by some of the best person I have ever known. Because at the end of the day, in the final analysis, and when all is said and done, it’s not about me, but about how many clichés I can pack into the beginning of this sentence.