No Outlet

“No Outlet”

The warm, thick air slapped 11 pax in the face first thing this morning, but all would persevere.  4 would even run the standard not realizing YHC had a decent amount of running planned.  We gathered in the gloom, a brief disclaimer was stated and 10 of us set out for a workout.  Peart Plus would find us a few minutes later.

  • Mosey to the 4-way
  • SSHs, ISTs and Long-snappers
  • Mosey to the dead end (quietly). 50 merkins OYO then return and plank
    • As we finished Peart Plus emerged from the gloom.  YHC sent him to the dead end for his 50 merkins and directed him to catch up with the pax at the next intersection.
  • Mosey the other direction til the stop sign. 50 squats (25 IC).
    • We’d go back a short mosey to pick up Peart Plus, then return to the same intersection for 15 more squats IC so as to not short PP from a good leg workout.
  • Mosey to the end of the rd to the right. Quietly 100 LBCs OYO then return to the 4-way where the first pax arriving will be leading an exercise or 2 (or FIFTY thanks to Matlock)


Back to the launch area where we’d grab a few KBs and all the available blocks.

OH presses

Skull crushers

Lawn mowers

Full curls

Christian McCalf-raises

Skull crushers (yep, again)

Full Curls

Aaaaaand then Full Curls straight into Skull crushers.  We work our legs and our arms at F3.

While the pax put their blocks up, Scrappy, Roadie and YHC got another set of Lawn Mowers in.

YHC forgot the big, long, thick, black… rope today, so a regular round of Mary called by the pax.

The Moleskine:

It was nasty out there in the gloom this morning, but YHC needed a good sweat after eating ribs, sausages, tacos and steak this weekend.  Epic Father’s Day feasting.

T-claps to Crocs, Tammy Faye, Turnpike and Matlock for running the standard in that air.

T-claps to Tammy Faye for EHing YHC to Q today.  Had he not YHC would have eaten and drank even more Sunday and not paid enough attention to the H2O intake.  Thank you, brother!

Prayers up for Toby’s mom as she struggles with a COVID bout, also Crablegs’ M in her recovery, Hippie’s family (uncle) and prayers and praise requests both for my mother and Ultraman’s as they continue their fights.  Peart’s boys are off to camp for a few days with church leaving Peart behind to enjoy the quiet.