Rain Work

Event Date

Jun 22, 2023


Due to the rain and the lack of Pax at the first two Q’s this week of my mini-Toby, I had promised a sheltered workout.  However, due to Cherry Bomb’s insistence and the willingness (and maybe reluctance) of the rest of the brave Pax, we worked out in the rain. 

Usual warmorama: SSH, IST, hillbilly, long snapper

We moseyed up and down the rows adding in some side shuffles, skips, butt-kickers, high-knees, etc.


Then we did:

Inch worms

Bear walks

Crab walks

Broad jumps


Tabata: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 6 rounds per exercise.


Mountain climbers


Up and down merkins (to your elbows – sorry about the elbows, Pax)(I generally know the name of this, but don’t know how to spell it and it’s my understanding that it’s named for a Carolina basketball player, so I refuse to name it)



We moseyed again to the pull-up bars for 3 consistent rounds (performing the same amount of pull-ups each time).  Moseyed to the bench for dips, incline merkins, and then decline merkins, and we threw in some walking lunges somewhere in there.


Back to launch for Mary, which we passed out.  Despite all the arm work, Snake Eyes did not let us down and still did his obligatory shoulder touch merkins.



Apparently if you ridicule and shame the F3 Isotope Pax about not working out in the rain, more will post as this was my largest group of the week.  Bob Ross is an ole reliable when it comes to Samson, with a little Snake Eyes sprinkled in from time to time – always good to workout with those guys.  Despite Snake Eyes’ foot/ankle injury, he still pushed through the workout and modified as needed.  It was great seeing Cobra and Cherry Bomb who talked about several different races that are coming up that I definitely plan on refraining from participating in as I am now over 40 which I guess means that I am supposed to start doing relays according to several other Pax. 

Thanks to these brave Pax for posting and not fearing the rain.

My mini-Toby is over and I have no idea how Toby Q’s so much.  It feels like all of his workouts are well planned out, which I like to do as well, but I don’t know how he keeps it up so long (“That’s what she said”) and I am impressed by Toby and his leadership.

Until next time…

– Drebin