6 Men and 1 Karen

Event Date

Jun 22, 2023

6 men & 1 Karen for a damp tour around the Wilderness venue. 

Everyone seemed to Standard there in their own ways – Jorel & Amen with the standard 2 miles, Soprano rucked a mile-ish, Toxic ran from home, Bel-Air went on his own adventure to find us after a late arrival, & I ran back home myself, 4 miles. All great work! 

Disclaimer, 0530. 
Mosey to Queens Corner for warm up exercises… 
While still at the QC, we partnered up for a round of Dora…

-100 pushups w/ mosey to the first light pole, then mosey back
-200 squats w/ quadaphelia to the first light pole, then mosey back
-300 lbcs w/ side-squat-walk to the first drainage grate, then mosey back
…Off to the rocks and the round-about we go! 
”Gather a stationary rock”
At the 12 o’clock position we did rock exercises, at the 6 o’clock there was a variation of Mary.
To get from the 12 to 6, the PAX lunge walked. To get from the 6 to the 12, the PAX bear crawled or crab walked. 
12 o’clock w/ blocks – 12 count (IC)
-low curls
6 o’clock without blocks – 6 count (IC)
-pretzel crunches (each leg)
-hand release merkins
12 – 12 count (IC) 
-rock twists
-high curls
– 6 count (IC)
-carolina dry docks
-monkey humpers
12 – 12 count 
– full curl (IC)
– ww2 w blocks (OYO)
– 6 count (IC)
-chest to deck merkins
-low flutter
12 – 12 count (IC)
– shoulder press 
…I had more planned, but Karen and the time got the best of us. 
Back to the cars for a “recover, recover”
All this rain and the recent talks about many sad-clown happenings, I thought for sure it would likely be my first too… but the Wilderness Faithful proved me wrong. Thank you Men.  
Karen is not happy about the Wilderness PAX finding their way to the first round-about. Though the mumblechatter was minimal and the PAX were all around very quiet this morning (knowing she was an issue), she’s still not pleased that we workout at this roundabout – wants us to move onto the next one. 
She and the bicycle dude that trolls the other AOs need to get together – they’d have a great time together. 
Thanks again for the opportunity to Q.