‘Mericanados Are The Best

17 Pax were present at #TheEstate this morning. We welcome the hard chargers from the Might Jungle for a convergence today!  Here’s what went down:


Grab a block and Zamperini to the school bus lot.


Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-IST x20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10

The Thang

Time for the Round 1 of Mini ‘Mericanado Suicides, which consists of:

-3 burpees

Sprint to the first goal and back

-3 diamond ‘Mericans

Sprint to the second goal and back

-3 ‘Mericans

Sprint to the third goal and back

-3 wide ‘Mericans

Sprint to the fence and back

Partner up:

  • Partner 1 does a farmer’s carry or Zamperini with block(s) while partner 2 does 50 lbcs. Then partner 2 sprints to meet partner to flip flop (repeato until the parking lot is covered down and back or everyone gets in two cycles).

Round 2 of Mini ‘Mericanado:

-3 burpees

Sprint to the first goal and back

-3 diamond ‘Mericans

Sprint to the second goal and back

-3 ‘Mericans

Sprint to the third goal and back

-3 wide ‘Mericans

Sprint to the fence and back

Mobility Moment led by Crocs (with horrible music accompaniment).


Partner up:

  • Partner 1 does a farmer’s carry or Zamperini with block(s) while partner 2 does 50 Squats. Then partner 2 sprints to meet partner to flip flop (repeato until the parking lot is covered down and back or everyone gets in two cycles).

Round 3 of Mini ‘Mericanado:

-3 burpees

Sprint to the first goal and back

-3 diamond ‘Mericans

Sprint to the second goal and back

-3 ‘Mericans

Sprint to the third goal and back

-3 wide ‘Mericans

Sprint to the fence and back

Mosey to the Wall for:

-People’s Chair

-B2W (Each Pax had to take a turn doing a 3 count from the beginning to the end until we could come down)

-Praying Mantis x20 (40 IC)

-B2W (Each Pax did a 4 count from the beginning to the end until we could come down)

-People’s Chair

-Muhammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x50 (100IC)

Mosey back to circle for a round of Pax preference:


-Pickle pounder

-Dot the I

-Low flutter

-Shoulder-touch ‘Mericans

-Apolo Ohno

-Pretzel crunch

-Crunchy frog



-Suzanne Somers

-J Lo

-Big baby crunch

-Arm circles

Recover and Zamperini blocks back to base.

COT/Announcements/Prayer/Coffeteeria & Bagels:

-Happy Birthday Peart Plus!

-F3 Brother, whose son Caleb in the hospital.

-Unspoken prayer requests among F3.

-Remember Pax who have aging parents who are struggling with caregiving and/or health issues.

-MQ’s need some Q’s for AO’s. Please consider signing up on the calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before, we will help Co-Q, so don’t be intimidated by it. You can do it! Just let us know and ask.

Good effort all around this morning gents. Until next time.


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee,, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)