We Need Wheels and Sensible Numbers

Event Date

Jun 26, 2023

with no Q on the calendar nor PB on Twitter, YHC found a sure fire way to avoid the Murph around 8pm on The Sword Eve.  Aside from NOT doing the Murph, a plan would be needed…

9 pax including the Q arrived prior to 0530 to see what might offer less suck than what so many other F3 brothers were up to in the gloom today. Here’s what they found out…

Disclaimer and short, slow mosey to the top of the lot to grab blocks and the warm-o-rama. Add the MQ to the disclaimer thanks to Frogger for allowing YHC to get just a couple words in. 

Next we’d to two sets of curls with the same rep consistency as the warm-o-rama (same = no consistency).  Then we’d push the blocks to the other end. Two sets of skull crushers, then to the pax’s surprise we’d push the blocks down the side of the parking lot. Two sets of lawn mowers, push the blocks half way across the bottom of the parking lot, stop for shoulder presses (2 sets of course). Push blocks to the end, halt for 2 sets of Manzierz (BROs or Bent Over Rows). Push blocks up the hill before stopping for two sets of cheat presses. Short push to the corner, 2 sets of block squats, push to the bars, 2 sets of Christian McCalff-raises then FINALLY push the blocks to the bushes and put them away. 

Quick mosey to the cars for MWAR where all 9 pax would get s chance to get their hands around YHC’s big, long, thick, black…. Rope. 


The flat, friction-heavy Moleskine:

9-Lives welcomed YHC by telling me he was happy to see me this morning . YHC was skeptical of his optimism but it’s nice to feel welcome. Wonder if by 6:16 he felt this was a better option than The Murph?

Late last night YHC felt it had been a long time since we pushed the blocks around  The idea for pushing them all the way around the parking lot came this morning. As YHC arrived there was consideration for an audible… but glad we didn’t. That was an accomplishment!

Wonder if Ping had experienced the pushing of the blocks before today? Meant to ask him. Either way, he got a full dose today.

Bob Ross can push the heck out of a block and he can do it pretty fast. But he generally does NOT look happy about it.

Not what YHC would call “the usual” pax at The Sword today and that made it fun  Great to host folks like Dingo, Soprano and Roadie. And Toxic was there…

Speaking of Toxic, he ran extra while the pax watched. Toxic would soon confirm a shadow existed across the parking lot, not a deer.  

There were comparisons between YHC’s and Ping’s long ropes. We arrived at no consensus or conclusion.