Block Thrusters and Back Pain

Event Date

Jun 27, 2023


Everyone has a plan until they get hurt. Elmers and Peart dutifully showed for the workout this morning – Crocs came rolling in a minute late after getting delayed by storm debris. The 4 of us got in some standard warm-o-rama before I unveiled the first part (and turns out the only part) of the workout – block thrusters, quick lap, and some static holds (planks, wall-sits, and leg lifts). I think we made it 6 rounds in before YHC’s back froze up at the bottom of a thruster and that’s when the workout got derailed. The pax soldiered on with two more rounds while I attempted to clipboard Q, the blocks were put up, and Crocs was allowed a mobility moment. Mary was performed by those without severe back pain.


  • Thanks to all 3 pax pushing thru a Q injury fail – apologies for the lackluster workout this morning
  • Don’t mix thrusters and planks – something about that combination isn’t good for the low back muscles
  • Thanks to Peart for taking us out in prayer