I thought Night Ranger weather would be cooler.  IT IS NOT! We may have sweat an entire kiddie pool amount. Couple things to note for parking decks during the summer : although the bottom level is about 2-3 degrees cooler, there is absolutely no air movement…although there is maximum air movement at the top, the concrete holds the solar heat well into the night…in other words, it’s better to stay in the middle levels, or best yet, find shade outside the deck.

That being said, here’s what we did:

Warmorama around the grass patch

SSH, IST, Long Snapper, Windmill, Lieutenant Dan’s (1 lunge, 1 squat, 2 lunges, 2 squats…to 7), Upper Body Lt. Dan’s? (Bearcrawlx1 ic, mericanx1, bearcrawlx2 ic, mericanx2…to 5)

Main Event: The SWARM

Level 1: Squats x5 OYO, WW2 Sit Ups x5 OYO, Air Presses (in People’s Chair) x5ic, Rosalita x5ic, Mericans x5 OYO “Swarm” to the next level.

Level 2: REPEATO with 10 reps of each exercise

Level 3: 15 reps

Level 4: 20 reps

Level 5: 25 reps

Level 6: 30 reps

Level 7: 35 reps




-3 pax ran the standard with the 760 run club (Pit Stop, Something, YHC), 1 pax rucked the deck (Camelback)

-Great to see Jenny and Nacho Libre off the absentee list.

-After we jumped from 5 to 10 reps in one level, Something figured out the writing on the wall and suggested we do just 6 or 7. Jenny insisted we go for it, so we did. It sucked more than I thought.

-35 reps of anything is too much

-Great work by all the pax pushing past their limits. I was inspired to push past mine when I saw all the effort being put in with little to no complaints. That was a horrible WIB. It may or may not make a return.