Steamy Sweatfest at Bedrock

Event Date

Jul 08, 2023


Chilly Willy crushed an impressive 5 mile run before the anticipated 7am launch of Bedrock. Extremely high humidity this morning created quite challenging conditions but Iceberg, Jersey Boy and a fully warmed up Chilly Willy joined YHC for a pre-determined 2 mile jaunt through Bailey Road Park. We stopped at several strategic points along the way for pain stations including separators on the tennis courts, step ups and incline merkins at the picnic shelter, descending ladder of lunges on the grassy hill, rock pile for curls jand shoulder presses and Wolfpark playground for pull ups and air squats. It was a steamy, hot and just plain nasty morning but a worthwhile beatdown and great start to the weekend. 

prayers were lifted for Chilly Willy’s friends sister in law who had a recent stroke, special prayer for Blackbeard and his ongoing back issues – Godspeed brother you are missed! – we also lifted up Iceberg’s 26 year old daughter and God’s hand on her life.

so thankful to be with Chilly, Iceberg and Jersey Boy and living out F3’s principle of Iron Sharpening Iron, encouraging one another and achieving more than together than would be possible on our own. 

awesome catching up with Goat post workout  at coffeeteria with JB and Iceberg !

solid morning at Bedrock!

Humbly In Christ
