Hodgepodge of things at Man Maker Monday

FNG-1 is Adam, now known as “Buckshot”. Welcome buddy! Also he is Roadkill’s brother, and the name goes back to their childhood spent in NJ and PA. 

Here is roughly what went down for 7 men at Man Maker Monday today:

0500: Chilly Willy and YHC for a nice 2 mile warm up.

0530: Disclaimer given.


  • ”The Motivator” from 8
  • Around the world with our kettle bells
  • Elbow plank x 1:30

The Thang:

Ok it was a bit of a hodgepodge but we made it work. Today’s workout included:

  • Pieces of the Marine Corps Reserves annual fitness test: More plank and lots of pull-ups 
  • Squats, lunge walks, 1 arm dead lifts, wall sits, and Suzanne Summers for our legs
  • Curls, skull crushers, and overhead press for our upper body
  • LBCs, low flutters, American-Russian hammer twists, and WWII sit-ups for our core
  • Some cardio including a tiny bit of running and 120 kettle bell swings in total

Likely some other things I’m forgetting. Everyone worked up a sweat, or maybe it was the rain.


  1. We prayed for a friend of Chilly Willy’s who recently had a stroke.
  2. We prayed for Out Cold’s 2.0 and Slingshot’s 2.2; both born recently.
  3. Hat Trick’s Porsche was not harmed during this workout, but it threatened to harm us.
  4. A hearty welcome to Adam today! You crushed it today bud, hopefully this was much easier than the Murph.
  5. Thank you Roadkill for bringing out your bro. Now you can text each other every night to see where you’re posting the next day.
  6. Kosar maxed out at 22 pull-ups! That young man is strong, the weekly Murphs worked buddy.
  7. Chilly Willy is signed up for the Charlotte Marathon and will be joining us for several long runs this summer.
  8. Thank you Greyhound for the opportunity to Q! Pax, if you happen to read this, would you grab a Q for a new MQ in Greyhound? As demonstrated today, the workout need not be creative.

Always enjoy lacing them up with the men of F3.
