Back of the school playground burner

Event Date

Jul 17, 2023

FNG-1 is Buckshot

3 PAX for KB burner

Mosey around the school for the warmup

Carry KBs to back of the school playground for –

Set of: KB Swings X 10 count, upright row X 10 count, goblin squat X 10 count, full curls X 10 count, overhead press X 10 count, skull crushers X 10 count. Bells down 

Mosey to benches for: bench dips X 15 count, then Mosey to lower benches for inclined Mericans X 15 count, repeato by decrease count by 2 (odd numbers) for each set until 3, then low slow IC.

Return to bells for: KB Swings X 10 count, bent over row X 10 count, low curls X 10 count, low slow curls IC X 5, high curls X 10 count, slow high curls IC X 5, isolated arm curls X 10 count each arm.

Mosey to benches for slow dips IC X 5, slow incline Mericans IC X 3, slow dips IC X 1.

On your 6 for: 7 count crunch burner X 10, low flutter IC X 10, Rosalita IC X 10 

Return to the bells for: around the world, then

On your six for: mason twist IC X 10, KB stomach descent IC X 3, Glut bridge thrusters IC X 5, Overhead slow lower IC X 10

Recover, Recover

Announcements: F3 Dad’s Camp

Prayers: Blackheads surgery, local Mooresville family dealing with death of their son Hunter

Coffeeteria at Birkdale was packed. Good convergence numbers from Arnie’s Army, Berean and Man Maker. Blackbeard was definitely mentioned as he’s on a lot of PAX’s minds. 🙏 for his surgery