Broke back

Event Date

Jul 24, 2023

Or rather Broke is Back! Welcome back Kotter!

Clark grabbed the Q for today and was able to entice defectors that just like to run to todays beatdown. Today was simple, run, and lots of it.

Toy Soldiers

Mosey to the track for some impending Speedwork. But first a little warmup.

100 high knees
100 butt kickers
100 quadraphilia
100 Lunge walk (mutiny called as ox maybe cleared 50 years)
Then a slow mosey lap

NOW for the Thing. It’s a hot or not ladder. We won’t complete the whole thing as you (at least I do) need about an hour ish just to complete the whole thing. But here’s how it goes.
400 hot, 400 not
800 hot, 400 not
1200 hot, 800 not
1600 hot, 800 not (this is where we finished today)
1200 hot, 800 not
800 hot, 400 not
400 hot, 400 not

In total that’s 6.5 miles. Today we got up to 4.5 covered.

No time for that today, so hopefully you engaged your core while running


Verse given out before we started the run portion to give us some time to reflect on the scripture

John 1:1
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

This is telling us that the Word (Christ) was with God in the beginning and that Christ is God. God is in 3 parts, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet one in the same. Completing the Holy Trinity.

-While Shakeweight continues to make regular gloom appearances to workouts it was nice to see Boucher make it out for a beatdown… even tough we didn’t even get our hands dirty at all as YHC didn’t call a single merican or burpee today.
-Broke makes it out of retirement. Thankful that he wasn’t making his return for a Murph
-Sparrow was just glad he didn’t have to lead, again! But then Clark tries to run him to death.
-Shakeweight says Speedwork is much better in plated shoes, which he did NOT don today
-It was nice to have use of the track. The field looks like it’s ready to turn some knees and ankles!