Walls and Playgrounds and Bus Lots

Event Date

Jul 25, 2023


There were 8 pax at Fallout! FNG-1 is “Shannon” who was an outside observer Saturday, but was too curious to miss out today.

Our warm up consisted of a “getting to know you” concept I stole from FiA. You had 2 choices. Your choice was either awarded or punished with a warmup exercise. The exercise-choice combination was totally ambiguous and had nothing to do with which I would choose. Here is a list of the choices:

Beach or Mountains (high knees/butt kickers)

Streaming: Movies or Series (SSH/IST)

Food: Breakfast or Dinner (CDD/Merican)

Snack: Sweet or Salty (Lunges/Frogjump)

Recliner or Couch (Quadraphelia/Karaoke)

Lowes or Home Depot (Low Flutter/Mtn Climbers)

Then, we circled for a quick flexibility circuit (Windmill, Long Snapper) before we moseyed to the “Ridge Wall” (brick knee wall at Carrington Ridge neighborhood). We did Dips, Incline Mericans, Step Ups and Pinkie Pies.

Then, we headed to another wall for some Muscle Ups (4, 3, 2, 1), but along the way did a few side-shuffle slaloms through the collonade.

To the Bus lot playground for an 11s session consisting of Pull Ups and WW2 Sit Ups.

YHC decided we couldn’t just jog back through the bus lot. So, we did varying travel exercises like broad jump burpees, plank walks and duckwalk to get to the other side, then Native American run back to the getaway vehicles.


Dying Cockroach, Touch Dem Heels, Pretzel Crunch, Ws, RECOVER RECOVER


Welcome to our newest pax, Shannon! Great to have you. Looking forward to see what crazy nickname you get on your next post. Keep striving brother. It doesn’t get easier, but your body will adapt (get stronger) and it feels easier.

Gambini mentioned he’d never been to the ridge Wall before. I’m honored to be the first to take him there.

I saw Hippie at HT the night before. As it turns out, last minute EHs do work! Good to see you in the gloom.