A Breeze? Or was I just running

Event Date

Jul 29, 2023


2 Pax joined me on what turned out to be a breezy morning for July standards.

YHC really enjoyed Waffle House’s track warmup he did at Viking on Tuesday so asked if he would start us off with that again.

We mosey to the track for Waffles warmup.
Grab rocks for curls, bent over row, skullcrushers, overhead press, chest press, mason twist, low flutter, WW2. 
Mosey a lap and then repeato the above.

Mosey up the stairs to the school for people’s chair, air press, touch them heals, dips, rockey balboa, incline Merlin’s, and some more mosey.

Mosey back to the playground for 11s with squats and pull ups. 
5 minutes of Mary 

Recover, recover 5 minutes early for Gatorade. 

After a long run prior to bedrock I appreciate Boar Hog and Waffle bearing with my sluggishness and pushing me to the end line. Always nice working out in a smaller group to get to know the Pax a little better. Thanks Possum for the keys. Always enjoy Qing Bedrock.