Holding the Q Accountable

11 PAX got after it at Gladiator this AM and got stronger as a result of accepting the challenge from the pre-blast describing cinder block work and plenty of traveling around the beautifully manicured campus of St. Marks Catholic Church.

After a long mosey to the back corner of the parking lot, PAX performed a standard warm-a-rama, opening with a 1/2 Soprano + 1 (remember division first, then addition for a total of 51 hahahaha) PAX performed the following rounds of cinder block work including curls, bent-over rows, presses, closed grip merkins on the blocks and block swings.

PAX also traveled twice to the far building on campus YHC believes to be the school? and performed rounds of praying mantis, calf raises and air squats.

We also hit the fountain at the center of campus for some chest and tricep work by performing dips and incline merkins. PAX also performed a slow air squats which were sprinkled in throughout the 45 minute beatdown. Some good mumblechatter was heard throughout including The Force and a few others call out the Q as they were short-changed on a set of block curls and performed 2 reps above the pre-determined 8 of another exercise which YHC can’t recall. YHC got a little distracted towards the end, losing focus but was quickly course corrected. Awesome fellas – YHC  always open to audibles and corrections throughout – PAX did make up those block curls at the end because YHC cares about your fitness.

It was an awesome morning and YHC so humbled 10 other PAX showed up to get stronger together! Thank you Toby for the opportunity to lead this fantastic AO we call Gladiator!

Prayers offered up for both The Force’s mom and Toby’s mom, both dealing with health issues. Please remember to keep them in your prayers and all the other PAX who are caring for aging parents. That seems to be a common burden lots of men are facing right now.

Lots of opportunities to be involved with the 8/12 Hope House Event in Huntersville, here are just a few

  • sponsor one of the 10 PAX participating in the Dunk Tank Fundraiser by going to this GoFundMe link – https://gofund.me/4760994c

  • Share the above gofundme link with other PAX and talk it up at every AO – this is a great way to give back to our community and even the smallest amount means a lot
  • Beave is collecting refreshments for the event – snacks, drinks, $$ to buy pizzas, etc – please reach out to him – he pre-blasted a list of items needed

  • A Games Q is needed during the event to coordinate, gather water toys and other game items, and lead games at the event 

  • Show up and meet the residents and other PAX and their families 


Humbly in Christ 
