Heavy and Easy Block Work

Event Date

Aug 03, 2023


Heavy and Easy Block Reps

FNG-1 is Nugent and FNG-2 is Edsel who are not yet on the website.


After posting at F3 workouts for about 1.5 years and regularly posting at Samson and seeing the heavy blocks, but not having used them, I created a workout that finally allowed me to break them out.  I plan on using them more following the joy of many of the Pax.


Warmorama: SSH, IST, Hillbillies, Toy Soldier, Long snapper, windmill


The Thang:

Grab a heavy block and a regular block


Heavy curls


Easy curls IC


Heavy chest press


Easy chest press IC


Heavy shoulder press


Easy shoulder press


Heavy bent over row


Easy bent over row


Heavy skull crusher


Easy skull crusher


Heavy squat


Easy squat


Heavy glute bridge


Easy glute bridge




Walking lunges back to launch


MARY: pass em out



It was great meeting Nugent and Edsel who recently started.  I looked up Edsel (a Ford car) and the first thing that popped up was “Why was Edsel such a failure?”  The only Edsel that I know after meeting him today was not a failure and he and all the Pax that posted pushed through a tough workout. 

It was also great meeting Jersey Boy who I know has been around a while… as well as at F3… but I haven’t met, so it was good to meet him, even if he voiced his displeasure for some of the heavy block work.  For his Mary exercise, he did X’s and O’s, which was a new one and a tough one that I plan on using. 

Snake Eyes pushed on through, despite injury, but he seems like he’s almost fully back to his normal self.  It was great seeing The Force posting for another Drebin Q following his 11-day journey overseas – I know he loved yesterday’s hill repeats and then heavy squats and lunges today because he told me so. 

And finally, I had the rare opportunity to Q for the Q-Man himself, Toby.  The Force said it today that he is impressed at anyone attending 4 workouts in a week, let alone Q’ing 4 of them, let alone being Toby who says he has lost count of his number of Q’s, but we all know he checks that number before he goes to bed each night.  Just like I heard Enron say, Toby is keeping us in business, so I hope he keeps up the good work.

See you all tomorrow for the final Q of my mini-Toby at Emmaus.

– Drebin