
TEN fine men exchanged their comfortable blanket at home for a sweaty, hot, wet one this morning at Mustang. It’s been a while since the last Sonar Circuit so we did one of those.


20 IC Side straddle hops
Bend and stretch a bit
10 IC Mountain climbers
10 IC Windmills

WALK to the bottom of the chute
Quadraphelia up
Karaoke right (or left) halfway toward the tennis courts
Swap to karaoke left (or right) for the remainder.
Stop at the bleachers/tables for 10 step-ups (5 each leg)
Grab a bench and do 10 dips
Lunge walk down to the sidewalk
Drop and do 10 LBCs
Get up and sprint back to the launch pad
Repeato for the duration (don’t forget to WALK to the chute)  

6 MINUTES of MARY (more like 1 minute)
10 IC Dr W


Philippians 4:6-7

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer out and name-o-rama


  • The humidity made for a quick sweat this morning #SummerOfSweat
  • Great efforts by all
  • Q got lapped by Crabby and Dolittle (and maybe more – couldn’t see through the sweat running down my face)
  • Naked man workouts are apparently a thing now (thanks, runners…)
  • Nice turnout for hot Monday gloom
  • 50/50 is for the fact that, even with ten of us in attendance, 50% were over 50 (#RESPECT).  There was a time when we marveled when 1 or 2 ‘respects’ worked out in Denver. Now there are workouts where there’s no one under 50! 
  • As always, it is a honor to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.