Gambini and Toby’s 2-year Manniversary

20 Pax got it done @ The Gladiator/Fallout Convergence today as Gambini and Toby provided plenty of pain for their 2-year Manniversary. Here’s what went down:


Disclaimer (or at least inferred)

Indian run around the parking lot and then to the track

Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x40 (80)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Imperial Storm Trooper x20 (40)

-Toy Soldier x20 (40)

Circuit 1

6 minutes of Tabata core pain

-Plank reaches (1 min)

-Plank jacks (1 min)

-Knee up balanced tuck/crunchy frog sit ups (1 min)

-Reverse crunch/dot the i (1 min)

-Flutter (1 min)

-Pause/Hold Mtn climbers (1 min)

Circuit 2 for a round of 11’s

Start at 10 and 1, 9 and 2, etc.. until 11 is reached:

-‘Mericans to LBC

-WWII’s to X’s & O’s

Asphalt issues caused YHC to pivot to:

-Low flutter x10

Mosey to the hill for Circuit 3

-Pax does Jacobs ladder. 6 rungs on the ladder. Run to the top and back down and do a burpee at the bottom (6 rounds).

Toby yielded to Gambini

Lap around track and to the bus lot for Circuit 4

-Shoulder Touch ‘Mericans x15 (30)

-Suicides to each of the 4 basketball goals. Do 5 hand-release ‘Mericans upon returning to base each time. (4 rounds)

Break up into 3 groups at the wall/dock for Circuit 5

-Group 1: B2W

-Group 2: People’s Chair

-Group 3: Elevated dip hold

Rotate through each group

Mosey back to the track to revisit the hill for Circuit 6

-Ladder of 10 and decrease by 2 each time. Lunges at the bottom/Jump Squats at the top (5 rounds)

Mosey back to base

Recover, Recover



It was an honor to be part of this group this morning. No this was not a QvQ event (Although YHC would’ve voted for Gambini). Gambini and Toby were named together at Fallout two years ago and boy how time has flown by. We co-Q’d to commemorate our 2-year Manniversary.

All Pax worked hard this morning and we are all better for it. Each Pax present is entered into the 2-year Manniversary drawing for a “major award”. Snake Eyes got the most with 4 entries today, 1 entry for showing up and 3 for EHing a FNG (Cameron) who shall henceforth be known as Overdraft.

YHC was too far in once he realized the track asphalt really hates the hands, elbows, and bottom. Still the Pax pushed on (well, sort of). Gambini was concerned we were both hitting the hill. It appeared the Pax enjoyed the pain though. Mumble chatter=much love (or at least that’s what Gambini and YHC kept telling ourselves).

Thanks to all Pax for showing up today to remind us of how important and special our circles of F3 are. Isolation and loneliness are dark places gents. F3 creates a bond where we can experience “the gloom” TOGETHER. Let’s keep it going and pay it forward. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s. Invite a brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one step on your own.

Prayer Requests/Announcements:

-Consider supporting the Hope House fundraiser event on 8/12. Sponsor a Pax for the dunk tank for proceeds that go to Hope House.

-Gambini and Hippie are both candidates in the upcoming election. Please pray for both.

-Blackbeard’s recovery.

-Mothers-Remember UltraMan, The Force, Jorel and Toby regarding caregiving and health issues with their aging parents.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.

Rodeo took us out in prayer

Until next time…

Gambini & Toby