For Lack of Creativity

Event Date

Aug 09, 2023

3 Noble Pax attended this Meatlocker Beatdown….


  • Right over Left, Left over right, down the middle
  • 27 SSH IC
  • 11 Windmills IC
  • 10 Toy Soldiers IC
  • 10 IST IC
  • mosey to Arbor, grab a block


Begin at Arbor, we did curls IC, Skull crushers IC, and Bent over rows IC, moseyed down ramp to parking lot and did WW1s, moseyed across parking lot and did squats OYO, lunges OYO, side lunges OYO, moseyed back to WW1 spot and did WW1s and then back to arbor to grab blocks.

Round 1: 5 reps of each exercise

Round 2: 10 reps of each exercise

Round 3: 15 reps of each exercise

Round 4: 10 reps of each exercise

Round 5: 5 reps of each exercise

Moseyed back to launch


  • LBCs 20 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch 15 IC each side
  • Low Flutters 15 IC
  • 60 secs of (an exercise my daughter showed me)


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Philippians 4:8


YHC told Mater that for lack of creativity, the beatdown would be something similar to last week.  

Mater reminded me that we did not do block work IC

Crabby Patty is about to become a baseball dad.  Remember good sportsmanship!!

Crabby, yes, Crabby tried to get me to allow them to put blocks up too soon, but as Mater said, Dolittle is not a quitter.


Thanks for joining me this morning, gentlemen!  YHC took the Q for Saturday at Mustang, which happens to be the last day for me to be 46.  Come join for a birthday beatdown.

God Bless
