Toxic’s shaft

Event Date

Aug 11, 2023

10 Pax were present and accounted for at #TheCauldron. Here’s what went down:

Welcome/Disclaimer at Base

Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x30 (60)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-IST x10 (20)

-Toy Soldiers x10 (20)

-Hillbilly x10 (20)

-‘Lil Professor/Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10

Circuit 1:

-KB Overhead press x20 (40)

-KB Curl x20 (40)

-KB Bent-over row x20 (40)

-KB Skull crusher x20 (40)

-KB Squats x20 (40)

-KB Swings x20

-KB Deadlift x20

-KB extension w/ left and right twist x20 (40)

-KB cling squat to overhead press x20


Circuit 2-On your 6:

-KB Chest press x20 (40)

-KB plank transfer/drag/switch x10

-KB Russian Twist x15 (30)

-Windshield wiper x20 (40)

-Low flutter w/ KB extension x20 (40)

-Glute bridge w/ KB plank/hold x5 holds and x15 thrusters (35)

-KB Renegade incline row x20

-Sit-up to overhead press w/ KB x20

-Rolling Thunder lbc w/ KB x20


Round of Mary:

-Freddy Mercury x15 (30)

-J-lo x15 (30)

-Hello Dolly x15 (30)

-Dot the i x15 (30)

-Touch them heels x15 (30)

-Box cutter x15 (30)

Recover, Recover


The Pax got it done today! Toxic pulled out his long, heavy, rod to use in lieu of a KB. There is really only so much you can do with a lead ride/pipe.  Therefore, much conversation occurred about the use of his shaft. There was great mumble chatter today, which may the day start off great. The AO was leg friendly today as no mosey occurred, but the rest of our muscles got a good workout in. Pax who showed today will receive an entry into the drawing for a “Major Award” as YHC continues his weeklong 2-year Manniversary celebration. Thanks for lending YHC the keys to the AO today Hot Wax!

COT/Namarana/Announcements/Prayer Requests/Coffeteria:

-Consider supporting the Hope House fundraiser event on Sat 8/12 starting at 10am. Sponsor a Pax for the dunk tank for proceeds that go to Hope House. We need volunteers to set up and clean up too. DM Possum or Soprano for deets. Beave is still taking food donations too so you can DM him as well. Or just donate at:

-Q School will be held at The General next Friday, 8/18, @ regular 5:30am launch time. Good for newly names FNG’s and for Pax who haven’t Q’d at all or who are a little rusty.

-Iron Pax Challenge will be in September. Deets will be forthcoming.


-Mothers-Remember Enron, UltraMan, The Force, Jorel, and Toby regarding caregiving and health issues with their aging parents.

-Prayer for Rocket’s mom.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.

-For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s. Invite a brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one step on your own.

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)