Mix it Up

Event Date

Aug 16, 2023

No assigned Q so we mixed it up with everyone taking a portion.  Worked out great as sweat was in abundance!

Warm Up


-Sun Salute

-Down Dog

-Up Dog

-Cat Cow




-Calf Raises

Beat Down

Rt 66.  11 stops for gas.  6 reps of Burpees, Dips, Step Ups, CH Squats, Merkins.  Navigate via: mosey, bear crawl, quadraphilla, karaoke, high steps, lunge walk.

To Down Under Bars where Iron Horse led us in a series of pull ups and hangs till we dropped.  To pull up bars for max pull ups and hang.

Travolta led us to the CB pile for 6 cycles of: Upright Rows, Curls, SC, Milk Jugs with hold extended for 6 count.  Mucho mumble chatter!  Return CBs, mosey to AO with stops for burpees along the way.


 Clark finished us up with:

-in Outs

-Legs to Heaven?


– Pretzel Crunch

Reflection: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.  Pray out.  Good job by all!