Wear Proper Attire

Event Date

Sep 08, 2023

This sunny #BB brought to you by any pair of athletic shoes with tread on the bottom.

6 Pax posted for a simple workout this fine morning.

After a brief jog down to Queen’s Corner we had a warm-o-rama to include The Bicycle, SSH, Slow Squat and curb mountain climbers.  

We moseyed 1/2-way up the hill and paused for a quick count-down, bear crawling across the road to the opposite curb and executing 7 ‘Mericans, crawl bearing back to the original curb for 6 ‘Mericans, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Next we moseyed up to grab a rock and brought it down to Travolta’s hill where we carried it backward up the grassy hill, 7 rock squats atop, forward down to 10 full curls, and repeat for 6 &. 10, 5 & 10, 4 & 10…

Next: run up to the traffic circle, 20 ‘Mericans and run back to your rock.

We then grabbed our respective rocks and brought them back to their homes.

Moseyed back to launch for Recover X 2

1. Great seeing a couple of the newer guys out- (Louden and Edsel)

2. Toxic was afraid of the hill work, so he dropped his rock and took the easy way out.  Get some new shoes, cheapskate.

3. Hot Wax crushed it, as usual

4. Thanks for the opportunity to lead Amen.  We appreciate all those Thursdays you take the lead.