Sub 7 Club!!

Both the MQ and Q are out due to injury so I was more than happy to pick up the Q when asked.  Had been wanting to try and break 7 minutes in a mile and wanted to seize the opportunity to go for it. 

I didn’t have the time to plan for a good speed workout, but 9 other pax showed up to cooler temperatures on a hot track this morning and helped orchestrate a record breaking day!

Gave the disclaimer at the beginning what the goal was for the day and no one blinked an eye and were up for it so this is how it went.

Quick Warm-Up

  • 20 SSH IC
  • 10 Slow Squats IC
  • 15 Hillbillies IC
  • Toy Soldiers for Distance 
  • Lunge walk back to starting point

Here We Go

  • 400 meter slow
  • 400 meter fast
  • 800 meter slow
  • 1600 meter fast for time to break 7 minute mile
    • As current members of the sub 7 club, Slingshot and Hotbox were able to set the pace for all of us to reach this milestone
  • 400 meter cooldown
  • 400 meter fast
  • 200 meter slow
  • 400 meter slow
  • 300 meter slow
  • 100 meter sprint to the end


SUCCESS!!!  Not only was YHC able to break 7 (6:53 pace), but several others reached this milestone including Tantrum, Slingshot and Hotbox (again!).  

  • Everyone came to work today and were ready to be challenged and pushed hard.  This was evident that even after going after the sub 7 mile, everyone was willing to push themselves even more at the end by finishing off with the 100 yard sprint.
  • Thank you Chilly Willy for reaching out for me to pick up the Q and Stray for allowing me to Q.  Rest up and get better soon fellas!  Miss running with you guys.
  • Keep praying for marriages and parents health. 

Until next time, keep pushing yourself to be better than what you currently are.  That could mean trying to set a PR in a run, or making sure you’re intentional and showing up for your wife and kids.  Don’t settle for the status quo and be the leader you were born to be.

In Him,