Mix and Match

Event Date

Sep 22, 2023

FNG-1 (Backdraft who ain’t exactly new) had already warmed up with a 2 mile run!   Sonar and Mater made an appearance just in time to sound off after their run.

Warm Up

TS, WM, CP, Plank to Sun Salute followed by Up/Down Dog, Arm Rotations 

Main Event

Rt 66; 6 x 

Burpees, Dips, Step Ups, Lunges, Merkins, 3 sets on Down Under bars.  Quadraphilla, Karoke, Bear Crawl, High Steps.  
Back to Launch Pad

Two pax run steps for 6 circuits for timer while other pax do continuous reps of:

First exercise Curls then switch.  Followed by  Press/Skull Crushers.  Next Rows and Dead Lifts, then Squats with Milk Jug.

Last event: to bottom of Parking lot, one pax moseys to top of lot and back while other pax Bear Crawl up lot dragging KBs.  One pax switches to runner role each time.  Continue until all reach top of lot.


LBCs, Freddie Mercuries.


Matthew 13:22.  A reminder to not let things distract us from our spiritual focus.

Pray out.  Beautiful day and a great group!  Pleasure to be leading!