Talking to God behind the potted plant

What a wonderful morning for a nice stretch! 


15 pax showed up this morning for a nice stretch and stability session with YHC as the Q. Blackbeard showed up to do some mall walking this morning and I finally did not leave frogger hanging this morning as I took off on a standard. Frogger also ran a standard just around the parking lot. 

The Thang: 

Most exercises or stretches were either held for 30 seconds or a minute: 

Started out with some good hamstring stretching and going down into Triangle Pose. 

Repeato on the other side for a triangle pose with the left hand touching your foot and stretching it out. 

Then proceeded into a pattern of : 

Upward dog  (push-up going into it if you cared to) 

Into DownWard dog 

Push the leg up and swing it through to runners stretch. 

Repeato on the other side

Upward dog into downward dog 

bring the leg up and swing it through to warrior one. 

Reapeato on the other side. 

Upward dog into downward to warrior one. Into Cresent warrior. 


Upward dog into downward dog into Twisting triangle pose 

Repeato on the other side. 

1:00 minute of twisting chair: 

30 seconds of twisting chair on one side (so left elbow to right knee to ) 

30 seconds of twisting chair on one side ( so right elbow to left knee to) 

Sat down to do leg extension stretch and then hamstring stretch for either side. 

Table for one minute 

Finished off with low pigeon. 


Word on the street was to get there early in order to get a spot to avoid Amen’s flatulence. 

Goat ended up behind a concrete planter and talking to us from behind the bush. 

Toxic showed up with his yoga playlist of spinal tap, spice girls and the village people. 


I believe the verse that was pulled out of the bag was the following: Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” (Proverbs 16:1) 

Not entirely sure. 

Prayers for Amen’s friend who has a (potentially benign tumor on his frontal lobe) 

General unspoken requests.