The FKT Guarantee

Event Date

Sep 26, 2023


YHC guaranteed 4 miles with pain and an on time finish. The story below is proof of delivering exactly that.

5:00am – 1 for a Core Standard

5:10am – 1 for a Regular Standard

5:28am – Q tried to roll but the pax refused awaiting Swing State and Big M.

5:30am – start on time

  • Heading to Get Ya Some Gaga via Birkdale Village
  • Run half a mile 5 burpees
  • Run half a mile 5 burpees

Goal of 6 Sprint Loops on the Get Ya Some Gaga Segment

  • 10 Merkins, run the loop
  • 10 Burpees run the loop
  • Rinse and Repeat till complete

Mosely back to the AO via Catawba and 73

Cross the finish line at exactly 6:15am 

Total Program:

4.5 Miles

50 Burpees

40 Merkins


  • Great to celebrate Lego’s 40 Years and over 10,000 burpees completed this year! 
  • Tammy Faye shows everyone Clydesdales are fast 
  • Hoodie was a good friend and hung back and awaited the arrival of TurnCoat then took the fast route to the loop.
  • TurnCoat 2 hard work outs in a row and Q’ed on Wednesday, I think its safe to say HE’S BACK!
  • Jobe showed everyone he still has the afterburners available when needed
  • Swing State nicely stayed at the front of pax but never took a big lead, just to nice of a guy
  • Nice to have Dingo and Big M. out at FKT, all the pax are better for it. 
  • Prayers up for DH and Frodo to heal up, its not the same at FKT without them
  • Thankful to Swing State for the opportunity to Q at this fine AO and look forward to the next opportunity