Let’s Go Astros

Event Date

Oct 04, 2023

3 PAX explored a seldom used part of the MEATLOCKER, the baseball field in this baseball themed beatdown…

Warmup – Minus Crabb

  • some stretching
  • windmills 
  • cotton pickers
  • toy soldiers
  • imperial storm troopers
  • SSH
  • mosey to baseball field


Each round (inning) we did burpees at 1st, merkins at 2nd, squats at 3rd, and mountain climbers at home, followed by a run to the foul pole.

  • Inning 1 – 1 burpee, 2 merkins, 3 squats, 4 (4count) mountain climbers
  • Inning 2 – 2 burpees, 4 merkins, 6 squats, 8 mountain climbers
  • Inning 3 – 3 burpees, 6 merkins, 9 squats, 12 mountain climbers
  • Inning 4 – 4 burpees, 8 merkins, 12 squats, 16 mountain climbers
  • Inning 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 mountain climbers
  • Inning 6 – 6 burpees, 12 merkins, 18 squats, 24 mountain climbers
  • Inning 7 – 7 burpees, 14 merkins, 21 squats, 28 mountain climbers
  • Inning 8 – 8 burpees, 16 merkins, 24 squats, 32 mountain climbers
  • Inning 9 – 9 burpees, 18 merkins, 27 squats, 36 mountain climbers


  • LBCs
  • Pretzel Crunch
  • low flutters


He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15


Crabby was too far ahead to talk to

Mater was breathing heavy

Crabby was a little later than usually but worked hard and liked the workout

Mater hates the Astros


It was a pleasure to lead today.

God Bless


He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”  Mark 16:15