The Bing AI Chat Workout

Event Date

Oct 07, 2023

I asked Bing AI chat to design a pull-up workout and this is what it gave me

”Warm up for 5 minutes with some light cardio and stretching”
Not being satisfied with the warmup being so general I asked it to be more specific
Run 1 lap
Arm circles
Toy Soldiers
Squats with a pulse. Somewhat resembled med twerking
Inchworms with a merkin at the bottom

The Thing

For the pull-up workout here is what it suggested… I added some work during the rest… because why not?

8-12 assisted pull-ups, Rest 90 seconds (Plank) repeat for 2 more rounds

6-10 negative pull-ups, Rest 90 seconds (Merkins) repeat for 2 more rounds

10-15 reps of shoulder pull-ups (short range of motion keeping arms extended) Rest 60 seconds (Double Wide Merkins) repeat for 2 more rounds

10-15 reps of Australian pull-ups, rest 60 seconds (diamond merkins)

Mosey to the block/rock pile Partner up

Partner A runs to the wall and back while B does the move, then flapjack

10 full curls, then switch to top half, then bottom half until partner arrives… Repeato

Shoulder Presses, upright row, high pulls, then repeato

Skull Crushers, right arm row, left arm row

Swings, curls, squat thrusters

Low Flutters


When asked for a 60 second devotional this is what bing chatbot gave me, which I feel like I might need to fact check… Judges 16

God is our strength and our deliverer. He can use anyone and anything to accomplish His purposes, even the most unlikely people and things. One example of this is Samson, a judge of Israel who was known for his extraordinary physical power. Samson was set apart by God from birth to be a Nazirite, which meant he had to follow certain rules, such as not cutting his hair. His long hair was a sign of his dedication to God and the source of his strength1.

However, Samson was not always faithful to God or his calling. He disobeyed God’s commands and married a Philistine woman, who was an enemy of Israel. He also fell in love with another Philistine woman named Delilah, who betrayed him by cutting off his hair while he slept. This made him lose his strength and fall into the hands of the Philistines, who gouged out his eyes and made him a slave1.

But God did not abandon Samson. He gave him one last chance to fulfill his destiny and deliver Israel from the Philistines. As Samson’s hair grew back, so did his strength. He prayed to God and asked Him to remember him and give him strength one more time. God answered his prayer and enabled him to push down the pillars of the temple where the Philistines were gathered, killing himself and thousands of them1.

Samson’s story shows us that God can use anyone for His glory, even those who have made mistakes and sinned against Him. It also shows us that God is gracious and merciful, and that He can restore us if we repent and turn to Him. No matter what we have done or what we are facing, we can trust that God is with us and that He can use us for His purposes.