Workouts are hard but a successful marriage is tougher!

Event Date

Oct 20, 2023

Hindsight 2020 I probably should have not scheduled a rare Q during my wedding anniversary.  I should have let the M sleep on our special day.  That did not happen.  She wasn’t mad.  How could she be.  There are worse things to get mad at me about then an early morning post with my F3 Brothers.  I will make it up to her 😉

Arrived to launch to see Pert Plus and Amen hitting a standard.  Way to go gents.

Maybe I scared the Pax in saying that we would “conjugate” but it was getting close to time and finally a few more stragglers coming in hot.

The day was upon us and we lifted bell up high and moseyed on down to the basement. 

To the best of my knowledge, the morning went a little something like this”


Warm O Rama

All Exercises in Cadence

SSH x22

IST x20 (Have we ever done 20 IC Imperial Storm Troppers? I bet not)

Windmill x10

Toy soldier x10

Dwite Schute Carrot Puller whatever the hell it is x10

Low slow squat 10


The Thang – Dirty Dora makes a comeback

Round 1

P 1 does exercise

P2 and in my case P2 and P3 quadraphillia up ramp and regular run back down

100 KB Swings

200 Overhead Press

300 skull crushers (or soul crushers)

Plank or Al Gore waiting on the 6


Rinse and Repeato with different exercises

Karioke up and down the ramp


150 Chest Press

250 Curls

350 Squats

Pick up the 6 and run the ramp


My Abs Rock Yours (said me never)


LBC x15

Dying Cockaroacha x15

Glute Bridges x15

Low flutter x22


Recover Recover


Today’s workout Vows.

Workouts are tough.  Successful marriages are even tougher.  22 years with my rock and she still puts up with me (as a couple Pax said).  Most of anything and everything I am is because of my M.  Thanks babe!

Okay…sappy shit over.

Bob Ross was a beast and carried POS and YHC today.  Awesome work dude.  However, you may want to dress in the light next time.  #S2K  POS…we had our synching going on big time for karaoke!  Keep the back going strong like you were today!

The dynamic duo of Pert Plus and Amen kept trucking, pushing and were steady with no breaks or quit.

Toxic and Hot Wax.  Of course the two that needed to be separated found their way together.  How lotta chatting.  Toxic liked the way YHC’s ass jingled. Nuff said.  MQ was getting some “heat” from his partner.  Both pushed hard during a pretty suck wind workout.  Appreciate the effort.

Appreciate those that came out today.  Those who didn’t…well, probably made the right choice as long as you took the #DRP

Until next time (whenever that is)

Thanks Hot Wax for allowing me to stir the cauldron with the broomstick.

Live life.  Own every second.  Never ever take anything for granted.

Humbly Yours, Olive