Here Comes the Boom

Run with your eyes up my dudes, run with your eyes up.

Moment of the day came as we neared Robbins Park… Jethro was absolutely crushing the pace, eyes down, grinding those miles.  Two runners approached from the opposite direction, hugging their right side of a should-have-been-wide-enough greenway.  I’m right there with him, so I mumble over… runners up… nothing.  Hey man get right… nothing.  DUDE LOOK OUT… nothing.  And then…

HERE COMES THE BOOM, Jethro takes out two lady runners the way AM-PM takes out deer.  It was practically a murder scene.  Imagine the helplessness of the office workers in the Terry Tate Office Linebacker commercial.  In retrospect, it’s as if he PLANNED for the collision and braced for maximum leverage.  I wish I could replay it in my mind, I can’t remember if he actually dipped his shoulder and leaned in???  Does Jethro hate women?  Oh and if looks could kill, the whole gang would have died right there as the ladies eyes met ours in the aftermath.

I hear Cornelius PD might be planning a lineup of our best respect-worthy runner pax.  Don’t worry Jethro, I’ll tell them it was Duvall.

PS:  I’m clearly embellishing, but only a little!  There was a collision, nobody fell, was not intentional, but the stink-eye was very real and was more worthy of the story above.

PPS:  Good luck to all the Fonta Flora pax this weekend!