Great Murph weather today

Event Date

Oct 30, 2023

Auto, Matlock, and Mr. Holland were out for standard when I got there. 


We had 9 at Summit coffee for launch and met Lambeau in route to Birkdale clubhouse…he had run from home and ran back home after so think he’s good.

Great day for the Murph and with 10 people it seemed nearly perfect because each person had to call only 2 exercises to get our 10 rounds in. 

10 pull ups (Australians)

10 Merkins IC

15 Squats IC 

Prayers went up for Toby, Jorel, and others caring for loved ones. We still could use some donations for Christmas Party Auction (proceeds benefit Operation Sweettooth). Get in touch with Auto if you have something you could donate. Also, if anyone wants to volunteer to help out at a water station for Huntersville Half get in touch with me, Tammy Faye. Need about 20 folks to man 4 stations.