Dirt Delight

Event Date

Nov 10, 2023

Always delighted to have Dirt_Den to keep me straight!  Cameo appearance by Mater and Sonar.

Warm Up

TS, WM, CP, MC, SS, D/U Dog, shoulder tap, calf raises.

Main Event

Mosey lap around lot with stops for: Burpees, Dips, Step Ups, Merkins, CH squats, Lunges, Pull Ups.  Back to AO for KBs.

Curls to 90, Curls 90 to up, Trifectas, Rows, Dead Lifts, Summo Squats, Swings, one arm press, Milk Jugs, Ribbons.

KB drag up parking lot in plank position.  Add +1 Merkin after 4 drags, ladder to 7 and back down to 1.  Almost reached top of lot! Back to launch pad.  Verse of the day and pray out.