Track, rocks, hills

Event Date

Nov 11, 2023


Airstream met Blackbeard and the continued his PT while JB and I moseyed around BRP. Here is how it went.

Warmorama on soccer field. SSH, IST, Toy Solider, Slow Windmill, Carrot Puller

Mosey to track and head to 1 endzone. Run 10 yards, 5 Merkins, another 10 yards, 5 squats, repeato all 100 yards. On the way back we subbed Carolina Dry Docks for Merkins and reverse lunges for squats. Completed this twice.

Mosey to grab a rock and head to the stairs.
Completed the following exercises with a run up the stairs in between:
Curls, skullcrushers, goblet squat, shoulder press, bent over row, upright row, shoulder shrug

Ran a lap around the track and then repeato the above.

Mosey to the playground and do 11s. 1 squat, 10 australian pullups, 2 squats, 9 australian pullups, etc.

Mosey to the bill hill. Run down the hill, at the bottom switch and quadro up. 5 burpees at the top and repeato back down. Mosey to start for COT.

Was a great workout and nice to spend some quality time with JB. Also good to catch up with Airstream and Blackbeard at coffeteria. Prayers for those struggling with mental health and for the law just passed in OH. Thanks Possum for the keys.