Make Dragonslayer Great Again

Better late than never I guess. Sorry ampm.  Also, there was def more people there.  I also can’t remember. I do remember that Auto was too soft to join. 

I could not contain my joy for the first running of dragonslayer at Saint Marks . And man did I have fun. Unfortunately, I’m writing this two weeks after the work out so the details are a little foggy.

Begin with a Standard run by cherry bomb and YHC. We got a little over 2 miles in.  CB was a great navigator.

Then we set up for success. The crew rolled in.  

This followed with a Work out we call the Fran:

  1. Half mile run
  2. 21  reps , 15 reps, 9 reps of pull-ups, KB thrusters
  3. Half mile run
  4. 21  reps , 15 reps, 9 reps of KB swings, squats
  5. Half mile run
  6. 150 push-ups
  7. Half mile run
  8. 21  reps , 15 reps, 9 reps of Biceps and triceps
  9. Half mile run
  10. 5 reps of every exercise with 50 push-ups
  11. Half mile run

Recover, recover

So in total: 50 pull-ups, 50 thrusters, 50 kettlebell swings, 50 squats, 50 biceps, 50 triceps, 200 push-ups.  All together 500 reps.


There was much rap.  It got me fired up.  Popcorn loved it too. 

Great way to start the new location. Excited to see if we can make dragonslayer great again.

