Never skip leg day

Event Date

Nov 22, 2023

A commendable showing at Hollywood as 5 warriors said no to the snooze button and joined YHC for a healthy serving of strength and cardio work. PAX used the parking deck ramp, partnered up and did a Soprano-ish descending ladder of Carolina dry docks with partner 1 starting at the bottom of the ramp with 7 reps while partner 2 held People’s Chair. PAX used the stairs to make it to the bottom of the ramp for a little extra leg work on top of an already challenging People’s Chair hold. From there, we moseyed over to the long slow decline greenway adjacent to the pond, where Cubicle commented about the true gloom appearing on this rather mild humid morning. PAX managed to get in a generous helping of air squats, curb merkins, and MARY at the top and bottom of the hill. A few mobility moments were mixed in along the way.

Great seeing Little Professor home from college for the holidays! He and Cubicle were on another level this morning with their running – awesome work. Greyhound remarked about doing the Horseshoe on Tuesday and legs not yet fully recovered but braved out the leg-heavy workout. YHC’s first workout with Snake Eye’s since he turned 50 getting some much deserved respect – threw in some shoulder touch merkins for you brother! Deep Dish continues to be a staple fixture at Hollywood and a strong partner this morning.

Nice workout options on Thanksgiving Day: 530 am bootcamp at Fission (Goat Q) and a late 7am option at Lake Forest Church (Samson)

Black Friday beatdown at North Meck Park 7am followed by beers at Primal!

Happy Thanksgiving gents! Each of you deserve an extra serving of your favorite dish around the dinner table tomorrow!

Humbly in Christ,
