Long distance guys witness blinding speed at time trials

Event Date

Dec 01, 2023

Here are the most pertinent facts:

  • We ran speed trials as prep for the marathon world record attempt. If we would’ve extended the trial to a full marathon, our marathon time would’ve been 4:07.
  • Hype is building. Hall Monitor is setting an over/under. Put your money where your mouth is.
  • The list of (possible) HCs grows. Dallas and The Count thought of like 20 fast guys. They have 99% confidence in getting these guys to sign up.
  • Moses ran his own time trials in Davidson and topped out at sub 4 minute/mile pace.
  • Enron is still wrapping his head around the acronym “CSAUP”.
  • Slingshot ran faster than Popcorn (allegedly).
  • Cobra is transitioning from 13 mile OCR to 400m sprint pace really fast.
  • 8-track may or may not think this is stupid.
  • Pit Stop prefers batons and Wednesday mornings.